How to Create a 3D Game in Python and Swap Models (Pizza Toppings Tutorial)

How to Create a 3D Game in Python and Swap Models (Pizza Toppings Tutorial)


2 min read

This Python demo uses echo3D's 3D model streaming in combination with Panda3D, a framework for 3D rendering and game development in Python. Currently, any .obj or .glb model can be uploaded to the echo3D console and streamed into this app. The app allows you to design your own pizza given the available pepperoni, mushroom, broccoli, or pepper toppings. You can click on any pizza topping, whether on the pizza or on the extra topping plates, to pick up and move the topping to your desired location. However, feel free to use echo3D's expansive functionality to modify the toppings to your pizza-preferences! The full demo can also be found on GitHub.


  • Don't have an API key? Make sure to register for FREE at echo3D.


You can also add your own models to the echo3D console by searching or adding your own, as each person may have their own pizza topping preferences. Just make sure to update the values in the file to match the entity ids' of the models you uploaded.


Navigate to the echo3D-pizza-maker folder in your terminal, and run the following command:


Learn more

Refer to our documentation to learn more about how to use Python and echo3D.

If you want more demos of Panda3D's technology, there are additional demos created by Panda3D in their github samples folder. Although these do not incorporate echo3D, they show off a lot more functionality. Please see Panda3D's website to see documentation.


Feel free to reach out at or join our support channel on Slack.


Demo created by LeaBroudo.

echo3D ( is a 3D asset management platform that enables developers to manage, update, and stream 3D, AR/VR, Metaverse, & Spatial Computing content to real-time apps and games.