How to Create an AR Travel Experience in 15 Minutes or Less [Tutorial]

How to Create an AR Travel Experience in 15 Minutes or Less [Tutorial]


2 min read

Looking to create your own AR travel experience where you can learn about landmarks and virtually explore exotic locations? This AR traveling demo created with Unity, AR Foundation, and echoAR is a great place to start. The full demo can also be found on echoAR’s GitHub.



If you don’t have an echoAR API key yet, make sure to register for FREE at echoAR.


  • Create a new Unity project.
  • Clone the Unity-ARFoundation-echoAR sample code.
  • Clone this repository for prefabs,scenes and custom scripts.
  • Follow the instructions on our documentation page to set your API key.
  • Set your echoAR API key in the echoAR prefab
  • Add the models from the models folder to the echoAR console
  • For each model, add the corresponding metadata from the metadata folder on the echoAR console
  • Overwrite the existing echoAR/CustomBehaviour.cs script with the new CustomBehaviour.cs file.


Learn more

Refer to our documentation to learn more about how to use Unity, AR Foundation, and echoAR.


Feel free to reach out at or join our support channel on Slack.



(1 — Left ) You will see a blue indicator that shows the surface your camera is pointing at. Tap anywhere on the screen to place the buildings. (2 — Center) You will see the buildings after tapping the screen. The indicator will be gone, and you can view description by tapping any object. (3 — Right) The description then will be shown above the building. Tap again to hide. echoAR (; Techstars ’19) is a cloud platform for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) that provides tools and server-side infrastructure to help developers & companies quickly build and deploy AR/VR apps and experiences.

echoAR (; Techstars ’19) is a cloud platform for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) that provides tools and server-side infrastructure to help developers & companies quickly build and deploy AR/VR apps and experiences.
